Monday, August 4, 2014

Thoughts on Student Ownership

I follow a lot of smart and reflective educators on Twitter.  This past year, I have noticed several of them have discussed the idea of student ownership of learning.  A lot of people have written about personalizing learning for students to increase motivation.
Intellectually, I agree with a lot of what these educators have written on the topic. However, I have had trouble visualizing how I might do that with my own students. Until today.
Last week, several players from our high school volleyball team performed service projects around the school. One group wanted to "decorate" my classroom. The coaches talked to me and I said I was fine with it. To be honest, I took posters down a few years ago because I thought the custodians were going to paint the classrooms that summer and never got the posters hung back up, so my classroom has been quite the drab space for a while.
What has amazed me is that despite being "done" with the service project time they were asked to do by the volleyball coaches, these kids are still coming back to do their work, which has transformed my classroom into a cheerful, colorful classroom. Why have I not thought of doing this before with students? Why don't we as schools, teachers, administrators, custodians, and community  members let our students put their stamp on their classrooms on a regular basis?
I have spent several hours scouring Pinterest for ideas to update my classroom. I now think that I should turn this task over to my students on a regular basis. How much more excited would students be to attend school in a place where they have added their own mark? How much more pride with they take in their school? How much fewer behavior issues would schools have if kids feel like the space is a joyous one that they've had an opportunity to design and decorate?
The pride, the energy, the amount of time these kids have put in has amazed me. I have thanked them countless times because it has been so enjoyable for me to watch them take control and ownership of the space.
I am still working out how to give more ownership of the learning to my students, but I have learned this week that the students will own the walls of my classroom from now on.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Reflections for #SummerLS

This summer I joined a Summer Learning Series coordinated by Todd Nesloney AKA @TechNinjaTodd on Twitter using the hashtag #SummerLS.  I have followed Todd for a while because he often tweets out advice about a variety of technology-related topics.

For several years, I have been increasingly interested in how a teacher might leverage technology to improve instruction.  I first started using Twitter thanks to Jimmy Fallon and his weekly hashtag questions.  I didn't use or understand Twitter, but was curious about what tweets didn't get shared by Jimmy each week.  I now follow 308 people, mostly educators, and have 240 followers.  I have sent out 1,639 tweets.  I really should be tweeting more, and am looking for ways to better utilize Twitter in my own classroom.

This blog post comes after more than a year away from blogging.  I am posting because of this week's challenge from Pernille Ripp (@pernilleripp), a 7th grade teacher from Wisconsin who I also follow because she coordinates the Global Read Aloud.  Her challenge for the #SummerLS participants is to do some kind of reflection this week.  I am choosing to compose my reflections in my blog because one thing I have been thinking about this summer is that I need to share more of my thoughts with other teachers.  In addition, I think the blog will be a great reference for me to review my thinking and growth as a professional.  I have enjoyed re-reading the few blog posts I have written.

This summer, I have been reading about character and "grit" and its place in education and reflecting on how I want to incorporate technology for the 2014-15 school year in my classroom. I have finished the book How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough.  I am currently reading Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess and Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck.  I have a tendency to read two books at a time and bounce back and forth between them. I plan to read Save our Science by Ainissa Ramirez, Fair Isn't Always Equal by Rick Wormeli, and There Are No Shortcuts by Rafe Esquith.  

The technology ideas have come to me mainly through Twitter and Feedly.  I have found some fabulous educators to follow through those two apps and glean an amazing amount of ideas from their blog posts.  One thing I have done this summer is start to organize those posts using Diigo.  I have several lists started and am taking all the posts I've saved in my Pocket account and am organizing them so I can share the lists with my colleagues.

In addition, I have solicited some advice via Twitter on what application might be most useful for a student e-portfolio.  Right now, I am considering using either a Google Site or an Evernote account. I am leaning toward a Google Site because we are a GAFE school and would like my students to understand how to use all the Google Tools at their disposal.

I have also decided to use the following applications this upcoming school year with my students as they create their e-portfolio:  Educreations, ThingLink, Storify and Twitter.  I plan to do some flipped lessons and am going to use Nearpod for those lessons. Finally, I plan to start using some game-based applications, starting with Kahoot.

I plan to write a blog post about each of these applications and how it is going during the school year using the various applications.

Monday, April 22, 2013

What If...

Today, I am administering the spring MAP math tests for my 7th and 8th grade students.  I've used my time to check some quizzes and have read a little in Will Richardson's book Why School?  Richardson, if you haven't read anything he's written, will quickly get you thinking "What If..."

Richardson mentioned that employers now aren't as worried about test scores as educators and politicians are.  Employers are more interested in employees that are creative and are able to manage the growing complexity of the world.  In addition, Richardson mentioned NCTE's new 21st century literacy standards where literate people in our society should be able to: develop proficiency with the tools of technology; collaborate with others to solve problems; design and share information globally; manage, analyze, and synthesize multiple streams of information; create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multimedia texts; and do this all in an ethical manner.

As I said, I was thinking, "What if..."

What if my students took their MAP scores and set goals?

What if they analyzed their scores for areas of weakness, researched for resources that could help them learn that material, and then designed a unit of study in which they learn that material?  I could (and would) contribute materials and ideas to their list of resources.  I could even be a resource myself, but I wouldn't be their only resource.  And, they could find a variety of problems that would challenge them to use what they learn.  They could potentially solve rich, meaningful-to-them problems that would help them learn measurement, or algebra, or geometry concepts.

What if I worked with my students to determine each person's math education program?  I could bring to the table the community expectations of what students should learn mathematically each year.  Students would bring their interests and passions.  Together, we could figure out how they could show their proficiency in the expected math for the year.

What if I organized my class this way?  What new skills would I need as a teacher?  What new skills would my students need?  How many of them know how to set goals and monitor their progress toward completing them?  How many know good digital citizenship skills?  How many know how to collaborate effectively with others, whether digitally or face to face?  How many have a variety of problem-solving strategies?  How many know how to think critically?  How many know how to reflect?

The bell has rung.  My session is done.  Ah, so many questions, so little time.

What if...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Online Algebra 1

This school year, I have committed to using an online Algebra 1 curriculum developed through the Iowa Communities of Practice initiative. It has been a most interesting endeavor so far.

Forty teachers met in Des Moines at the end of July and modified an NROC online Algebra 1 course. We felt that the online materials were very traditional in their approach and we wanted to add some problem-based instructional tasks and real-world problem-solving to the curriculum.

Nancy Movall, our IaCoPi leader, then had our curriculum uploaded onto a Moodle-hosting site called Resource Iowa. There were many issues with getting the classes onto the Moodle server. I'm not sure what was wrong, but the curriculum was not yet available for us to use when school started in August. I used a variety of materials to review the Unit 1 topics. At Springville, we had some issues with student Google accounts. We needed to change our domain in order to give students email access through Google. This has been a great thing to have because students often need an email account to sign up for web 2.0 tools, such as Wikispaces and the Resource Iowa site. We use the kids' Gmail account information as their log-in information for the site.

I am somewhat frustrated that not all students are using the site at home. Kids will tell me that their web browser blocks pop-ups, which is fixable. Some parents seem unwilling to help their kids gain access to the website because they don't want to modify the pop-up blocker. Other kids now have excuses such as one I received today: "My dad did something and it knocked the internet out at home." Seriously.

I am also frustrated with some of the problems the kids are given in the practice problems and review problems. Some of the questions seem really hard; others seem really easy. I've found that I am much more satisfied with the worksheets I'll type up and give the kids with problems from our old textbook series. The materials I've really liked are the lessons people added when we modified the curriculum this summer. There are so many great resources to use.

Will this move help student scores? Will my students be better, more independent students? The jury is still out on that. I hope so. I know I much prefer not using a textbook daily. I know the kids prefer not to lug such a heavy book around each day either. I don't like the paper shuffle. I wish there was more work online so the kids could have immediate feedback through the computer. But, I have at least looked to do things differently that I have done them before, and that is progress.

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Joys and Frustrations of Using Technology

This past summer, I decided that I was going to make my classroom a 1-to-1 classroom where each of my students had a laptop to use.  I wanted to do this because I got involved with the Iowa Communities of Practice Initiative where forty teachers in each of four subject areas:  mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts go together to create a new, 21st century kind of curriculum for freshman-level high school courses.  Our goal was to integrate the use of technology appropriately into our classrooms to take advantage of the many web-based tools and resources that are now available on the Internet.  This initiative was started, I think, by schools across the state of Iowa that had 1-to-1 computer to student initiatives started in their districts.  These districts were looking for ways to get beyond the textbook and really take advantage of the primary tool:  the laptop computer that these districts had put into the hands of their teachers and students.

I was nervous about joining this initiative because my school has not yet made the commitment to go 1-to-1 with computers and students.  But, I have this ornery streak in me that drives me to accomplish what I have set out in my mind that I want to do.  To be honest, it can be a curse.  And, in this case, right now, I would say that the technology is beating me.  Here is my story.

First, I started out by tweeting to see if anyone knew where a person might get laptops for free.  No one responded to my tweet, so I went online and did some searching through Google for "free computers."  What I found was a program through the government called "Computers for Learning" where governmental offices are bound by law to donate used equipment they are replacing to schools or other non-profit groups.  The only thing the group needs to do is pick up or pay for the shipping of the equipment.  I went to our superintendent and convinced him to sign us up for the program.  I said I would take care of processing all the necessary paper work; all he would really have to do is sign the consent forms when we were awarded the technology.

Once we were registered with CFL, I started to request computers.  At first, we received a lot of denials.  I was a little depressed.  One day, though, we received a notice that we had been awarded a couple computers from a governmental agency in Arizona.  I went through the process of agreeing to the transfer of property and then arranged to have the computers shipped via UPS.

In the meantime, I had also enlisted the services of Sean Williams, a father of students in the district and also a network administrator for an area company.  I knew he was pretty tech-savvy and would have good ideas on how we might refurbish the donated computers.  The first laptops, to be honest, were quite old and really not the kind that we could use.  At the time of the request, however, I didn't realize that.  In subsequent requests, I have focused on acquiring Dell laptops.  Sean found that those computers were usable.  Our project got a big shot in the arm with two donations from HUD in Chicago, which donated 20 Dell 610's to us, and from Hickam AFB in Hawaii, which donated 40 Dell's, which range from 600's to 620's, to us.   

One day, Sean and I discussed what our budget was for new operating systems and for any software we might put on the computers.  I told him we had no budget, so he said we would look at open-source solutions for our operating system and web browser.  He did some research and found a Linux-based operating system from Edbuntu.  What is nice about this operating system, is that it is designed for educational use so it has a free version of a word processing program, spreadsheet program, and presentation program.  It is the Edbuntu version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.  Sean also chose to use Firefox as the web browser, which is a nice program and is also open-source.  Finally, I realized that we would need to have Flash and Adobe Reader and possible Real Player on the computers to use videos and read PDF's kids might have for various projects.

Sean also had to do some work to find a program that would allow the computers to interface with an external wireless card.  We needed to order the wireless cards for each usable laptop.  He also suggested we upgrade the RAM to 1GB, which I got approval to do from the technology committee.  Sean made an image of the files and programs he thought we should load onto the computers and saved that image to several DVD's.  By this time, school had started and I was quite tense because the computers were still not in my classroom being used. 

Finally, on Wednesday, August 31, Sean, his daughter Carly, and I met in the HS library and replaced the RAM and plugged in the wireless cards.  Then, Sean ran the DVD's to load the programs on all the computers.  We stored the computers in the new laptop cart the technology committee and our superintendent said I could purchase.  I was so excited because I thought things were finally done and progressing forward.

On Thursday, September 2, my 2nd and 3rd hour English 10 classes tried the laptops.  The issue now is connectivity.  We were able to get a few students onto the system, but kids kept getting dropped by the system.  I thought perhaps it was our distance from the air ports, so on Friday, September 3 (today), I had my English 10 classes work in the library.  Still, we have connectivity issues.  Only half the kids were able to successfully stay connected to the wireless network.  The kids with Macs, which have internal wireless cards, were able to stay connected.  Now, I think the issue might be our external air cards.

Right now, the technology is winning.  I am back in my corner, licking my wounds.  I was so depressed during English class today because I was so frustrated that kids couldn't get to the work they needed to do.  The thought that working from a textbook and doing worksheets is so much easier.  I wouldn't be battling computers every day.  Kids would have something to do each period.  We would have the look of school and productivity.  And, isn't that a good thing?  My gut, though, tells me that if I can stick with this and persevere, that good, deep learning can happen as well with my students and technology.  Today, though, the thought creeped into my head to just give up and go back to the traditional way.  Now I know why a lot of teachers don't try innovative things.  I know why teachers don't use technology.  It is just easier to use textbooks and worksheets and not try something new and different.  Believe me, I am tired and exhausted by the battle.  However, I refuse to lose.  I will not let the machines win!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Web 2.0 Tools

This past week, I spent my first two days in the Year 1 Cohort B 21st Century Learning Institute at Grant Wood AEA.  I am excited to find I am exactly where I need to be to help myself integrate technology skills and tools into what I am teaching this year. 

These first two days, we learned about image tools:  Picasa, Wallwisher, the AEA Online resources, and Photo Peach.  We also talked about how we will create our own ePortfolio in Google Sites to archive the work we will do with our students and fellow staff.  I am really glad I applied and was accepted to this cohort group because I really need reasons to get myself to take more risks and incorporate more technology tools into both my math and English curricula.  I find that if I am not "required" to do something new, I am really nervous and sometimes downright scared to try and use what is new.

I plan to use Wallwisher with my "bell ringer" activities in math class.  I also wonder if a person can't use it with the Daily Oral Language sentences in English 10.  Kids could type their corrected sentences into the sticky note and then post it to the wall.  I wonder if most sentences fall within the 160 character limit?

I can see using Picasa and Photo Peach with video storytelling lessons.  Kids are able to upload 30 photos in Photo Peach and can put captions on each photo.  Specifically, Photo Peach limits a user (in the free version) to 30 slides.  One can insert black slides for words between photos, too.  Picasa is a little more difficult to use, I think.  One has to download it to your computer.  It doesn't exist totally in the clouds like Photo Peach does.  That is one reason I may not use it as much with my students.  I wonder if there is enough space on a jump drive to hold Picasa plus photos. 

I definitely will have students make use of the AEA Online resources a lot more than I have in the past.  I think back now on how little I've used these resources and I feel ashamed.  I know that the images and clip art will really be useful in kids' presentations.  In addition, I am excited to see how we can use the research tools in English 10.

I plan to use our school's Google Apps for Education a lot more with all my classes.  Last year, I had only my English 10 students use the Google Docs feature.  This year, students will create and maintain their own ePortfolio, will use Google Reader to mine the Internet for articles related to their favorite topics, and will use Blogger to write about what they are reading through Google Reader.  I notice right now that Google Reader and Blogger are not available through my school account.  I will contact our technology people and get at least Reader and Blogger added as options for kids.  I am really excited to use these resources.

With the donated laptops I acquired for the district over the summer, we will not be able to save much on the hard drives.  I'm trying to treat these computers like Chrome books, where the computer is run strictly to use tools (like Google Docs) that have remote storage for student (and teacher) work.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good Questions Increase Rigor

This spring and summer I have read about educating students in the 21st century.  In my next few blog posts, I plan to review the books I've read and share important insights I've gleaned from each book.

Teaching Digital Natives:  Partnering for Real Learning by Marc Prensky is a book from which I have learned that asking good questions is one of the most important things a teacher can do.  Prensky asserts the verbs important for learning do not change (or change very little) over time.(46)  Verbs are the skills students should know. Nouns are the tools we use to learn, practice, and use the skills. (6) First, as teachers, we need to determine what (the verbs) we want our students to know and be able to do.  Then, we can select the appropriate web 2.0 tool (the nouns) that students can use to meet the desired learning goal.  Or, better yet, as Prensky vehemently states, let students select the appropriate web 2.0 tool to use. 

Increasing student motivation is also an important duty for teachers.  Scholars and writers have research that suggests it takes 10,000 hours (or 10 years according to some researchers) to become an expert at anything.  One way a teacher can increase student motivation to do quality work is to tap into each student's passion.  Students today demand choice, differentiation, personalization, and individualization.  Prensky says,"That better way [to increase motivation] is to motivate each student to learn through his or her passions.  Passion drives people to learn (and perform) far beyond their, and our, expectations.  And whatever is learned through the motivation of passion is rarely if ever forgotten." (4)

Finally, Prensky suggests that teachers should partner with students for real learning to occur.  A couple chapters of the book are on the roles teachers and students must fill in this partnering arrangement.  The biggest lesson I've learned from these suggestions is that the teacher must avoid doing things for the student that the student can do for him or herself, especially with the use of technology.

As I work to develop my blended courses this year, Prensky's words will continue to guide me.  I have been working really hard on writing good questions based on Bloom's taxonomy (the updated version) these past two weeks.  In this effort, I am finding that I better understand what I want my students to learn.  In many ways, I feel like I am a first-year teacher all over again because the composition of the questions has forced me to re-think and re-vision my curriculum.  One of my classmates in my Online Course Design class (ollie2) mentioned that when her school's staff focused on writing SMART goals for learning objectives, student engagement greatly increased.  Students better understood what teachers wanted them to do and they did it. 

My hope is that better questions, partnering with my students, and tapping into students' passions will increase my students' engagement as well.